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What is the difference between what is a battery, and battery


Battery pack consists of a single cell or series or in parallel string and combined.

Parallel battery requirements of each battery voltage, output voltage is a battery voltage, the battery can provide larger electric current.

In series battery pack for each battery capacity, same series battery can provide greater voltage.

String and the combination of the battery pack, can provide the corresponding requirements of high voltage and high current, commonly used on the designated equipment.

In our electronic toys, electric tools, electric vehicles, flashlight, etc are all belong to the battery pack!

The difference between monomer in the battery pack is always present, will never disappear.This difference can cause the battery to shorten.Battery pack in the same current, the large capacity of battery is always in shallow shallow, filling capacity of slow attenuation, prolong service life.And small capacity battery is always in charge discharge state, have long capacity attenuation speed, shorten service life.Parameter differences between the longer, more and more big, small capacity battery failure in advance, to shorten the battery life.This request before production, production enterprises must be filtered on a single battery, the same voltage, the same capacity of selected, as much as possible in order to reduce the attenuation.
